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A member registered Nov 12, 2017

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Nice update. I liked the backgrounds.

Ok, thanks for letting me know. I'll play it when it comes out and tell you what I think.

The update is solid. I don't have much else to add. Looking forward to whatever 4.0 is. Is it going to be anytime soon? 

Very interesting. I ran across a team for my final round called "The Fake Stamps."

I can just populate the versions with a bunch of my own teams, then, every time you update. Thanks for explaining how things work.

I always play on the web version. I refresh the page and then click the game button.

Could you go into more detail about how match making works? 

If I run the game a good 40 times right now, does that mean each of those teams is in the pool? How does it decide if I'll encounter them?

Is there any sort of special exceptions for teams that have lots of draws? That's actually probably a factor in this. I play with risky strategies and often double KO the last foe, so I end up playing more games than average.

Does that have anything to do with this? 

I tried the update and I still have that issue with fighting the same people. I took on a team called "The Imaginative Cheeks" 3 times in a row and they eliminated me from the game.

I will say the relic system adds lots of options and I'm quite interested in what other sorts of relics you have in mind. Do you have any you'll share that will be in future versions?

Having played a few dozen more games on the new patches, I like where the game's at.

You adding "better matchmaking" means that the difficulty is way different now.

My stronger teams always end up facing this same team that has an exile squad and a spider as the leader of the pack. So this is actually a soft buff for weak teams because I'm able to complete the game easier with junk squads.

I actually won with a team entirely of zombabies I think.

One issue I found is that it's very possible to end up vs the same team multiple times if nobody exists in the same power bracket. I completed the game with a team that fought 4 battles back to back against the same team.

This'll probably be fixed by more people meeting the right criteria though. Basically when this game has more players.

The most powerful squads are of multiple categories:

People who make lots of cash. Money = power so getting rich means you can buy more upgrades and especially weapons. This is very consistent for getting wins, it just requires you buff up your units with all the extra cash.

Auto upgrading units. They're the same as basically buying a power up, and it happens passively. It's like getting free money and the upgrades are nice. If you survive long enough, you will win. I'd actually suggest lowering the cost of Rocky a bit. He's a bit too expensive to be worth it IMO.

Lucky niche strategies. They're the ones that have the potential to be very powerful, such as summoning decks, but you're at the mercy of RNG. They have a consistency issue.

It would be a huge buff for any of these decks if there were more ways to guarantee you ended up with specific units.

When the stars line up and you're able to do your long summoning combo or get your black knight and wizard setup or any of the other combos, it's golden.

The difference between say, a summoning deck and the above I mentioned is that a summoner needs to upgrade. Your imps and zombies need to be switched out for stronger, better variants. My Scotts, Thieves, and Barries just have to keep grinding and stuff.

Buying more of them enhances what they do but isn't strictly required. You're absolutely worse off if you can't get Zombubbas or Critters because they're so much better than the alternatives.

I think you could fix this by adding more stop-gap variants to the mix. Like if you examine every combo creature in this game, and then you add 1 or 2 extra combo pieces, in the form of an item or creature that could work with them.

With this massive number of synergies, the chances of something working for the player is greatly increased and they'll probably be okay even if they don't get the top tier units.

An example being a class of unit who reacts to receiving health from an ally in battle by doing something positive for that ally. You'd always pick it if you have any unit who gives health. This unit existing buffs all of these units.

The programming language like nature of how your game is constructed lends itself to this. There's all sorts of effects pets create that another one could react to. All of them could be builds if they have something to combo with.

I suppose the word I'm looking for is consistency. It's possible to assemble the pieces of a nice critter summoning deck, with whatever summoner booster allies you pick, but you'll probably take some losses. The deck is slow to assemble and get going.

Lives also have to be considered.

3 or more lives, I'm not afraid. At 2, I start to get worried. At 1, it's crunch time and it's do or die.

A bad summoning deck early could take losses while putting together their squad. But I guess that's part of the game? You did add the heart rooms to heal people if they need it.

Besides what we talked about, I'd suggest: 

-A lending system. If the player could go into debt to enhance their team, they have a hail mary when they're on the back foot. It would offer a means for people who are way behind and about to be eliminated the chance to turn things around.

This could manifest as gaining 10 coins now, and losing 10 coins next round. For some teams, it's debatable if there will be a next round. But it would help.

If you decide to, an extra heart could be bought in the same way. Perhaps it's available for 10 coins. So someone has to spend their round stipend to try and buy a life to keeps themselves in the game. 

-Give us access to all 5 slots for party members and 3 slots for items from the beginning. If it was completely open from the start, people would have access to more choices and chances to spawn something that fits their build.

-A loyalty mechanic could also be nice. Perhaps every 3 rounds a pet has been with you, they gain one experience point. It massively buffs anyone who decides to keep the same units around. This would greatly benefit you if you keep the baby units from the start around. It adds an extra level of strategy to consider replacing a unit or letting it grow.

-Lastly, a knowledge base that lets someone view all the monsters and at what rounds they spawn would also be helpful. It evens the playing field and cuts any new player's learning curves. If the info is easy to look up, including a list of the items that spawn, possibly even with the % chances they have to appear, then people can do much better planning.

An veteran player will know what works from experience but someone newer will know what all the options are.

Yeah, your life is a currency. You can fail 4 times before it's game over. So the time spent trying to get all your Scotts and axes isn't really wasted. Money is the best superpower.

It's just a balancing act of knowing when to stop being greedy while giving yourself a buffer if you run into one of the run ender squads.

I'd say the thief is more efficient than Scott but a lot harder to acquire. HIS upgrades are the ones that REALLY pop off. Like if you get an early thief, then you should just build your entire team around him.

There's a team in the game now where I won by abusing Swampies and a Thief. It's a huge conga line of power and axes.

As far as weak units, I'd like it if you could "evolve" them. Rather than just upgrading a zombaby to be a stronger zombaby, couldn't I have him become a zombie? 

Like if I get an imp family member on my team, I obviously should ditch him, regardless of how strong he is, for a critter if one shows up. If my new Critter could consume the previous unit and thus gain his upgrade points and inherent any stat gains he got, if they share the same family line, then upgrades become significantly more worth it.

It adds an element of strategy to the mix.

Also, you could massively buff the summoning decks if there wasn't a cap on the number of units in a battle.

I don't mean letting a player bring infinite guys into a fight. But instead if a unit spawns a guy, that guy isn't wasted if you already have 5 currently alive.

There's some combos that could be seriously nasty if there was a separate summon cap. Perhaps it's something you could buy with cash? If you unlock more "slots" for allies created in battle.

It opens a path for more types of units who have similar abilities. Like a unit who, every 3 rounds, could summon a guy or two.

For players who don't use summons, you could have buyable stuff that takes the place of guys and fits in the same spot. Like siege equipment, or castle walls. The enemy might have to take on your ballista or structure before getting to the dudes.

As far as balance goes right now, it's still a young game. I'll wait to see more combinations and what happens with updates before saying anything about that.

There's a lot of good options here, if you can find them. Part of the strategy in this game, unless you add more ways to guarantee specific units, will be to build a deck based on what's given to you.

After a while a clear meta will form. But I'd rather wait to see what other people do once this game gets a few hundred people who won at it.

10/10 game, friend. I especially like the part where I make the game infinitely harder for myself and other people because all the really overpowered teams I created remain as enemies to face.

I think I've won like 6 times now? And created some real monster teams.

If you guys get rolled by a team that has no adverb, it might be one of mine. I specifically never select a first adverb to differentiate mine from everyone else's. 

Something horrifically overpowered but I've never managed to get to do is a team consisting of all Scotts, each armed with an axe. The game usually ends before I can fully equip all the boys, given the axe's relatively low spawn chances, and the fact that it only seems to appear in the enchanted area.

With all the extra cash, you can afford gems to boost the power of your boys.  All you have to do really is keep pumping their stats up. They just need enough health to survive a final attack and be the last man standing.

This team would almost always guarantee you at least draw.

I feel if I accomplished that, I'd make a truly run ending team. Imagine being on your last life and running into that.

A team of swampies achieves mostly the same goal, but with less control. And not all of them can receive the power boost. But if you see a swampy, you should just take him.

As far as balance goes, I feel like upgrading troops needs to be cheaper. Or that the cost of troops of the same kind should be cut depending on how many you already have.

There's very few reasons to ever upgrade a troop compared to just buying power or getting a better unit. It's also very inconsistent. Even if you wanted to upgrade a guy, there's no telling when it'll come up.

I feel like if the upgrades provided equivalent value to what gems of the same cost as the unit would provide, then it would be more worth it. Because I could buy gems that raise everyone's stats, or I could buff one guy, inconsistently.

SOME of the abilities are build defining and totally worth upgrading. But not all of them.

This is a good game. There's a lot of very powerful combos here you can employ. I also like the mechanics you've got going on.

A newbie friendly setup is to focus on garlic, bananas, and peppers. Then pump up your health. Very easy to assemble this combo, and it pays off big time.

Good game. The volume options don't seem to work when you try to turn off the sounds.

These animals are the most excited I'd ever been about this game. The sheer potential is staggering. 

I cannot wait to build a cat and dog army. And whatever else you've got in store.

Maybe there's a traitor imp buddy who fights at your side. They could wear a kimono, so you can tell them apart.

The pets are interesting. I'm deeply looking forward to pet specific upgrades. Will they work via level up cards? Can we feed them coins? 

If you ever do a pure survivors' mode where you're just meant to hold off and not bother with any portal, I think the animals will be one of the biggest assets.

This is my favorite update, I think, if only for the possibilities. This is going to be huge.

The cat has an advantage of making early survival much easier. It was always a little challenging getting started.

Have you given thought to a banish option that lets you make certain level up options not show up anymore?

Thanks again for the update. I liked it. And the barrels.

How about making them look like something owned by the necromancer? A sprite that looks clearly evil.

It could be a barrel, but it could also have glowing red eyes and be standing there….menacingly! 

Perhaps something the player could mistake as an enemy rather than scenery. Unless you want to go the opposite route of making lots of things in the world destructible.

Like if the player could keep shooting trees and rocks and stuff, and eventually they'll break and drop coins. Then they'd be in the habit of destroying everything and shooting anything they see.

Are you planning on adding more destructible objects?

Maybe the imps could rarely spawn with a trebuchet that you have to destroy before they launch huge rocks at you.

The ones in your other game can use equipment like shields and stuff, but if they were waging a war against the elves, perhaps they could step up their game.

Oh man, it wasn't obvious I had to shoot the torches at all. I never destroyed a single one of them. You're conditioned to only shoot enemies in this game, so the idea didn't even occur to me. 

For the sprinting enemies, could they get a tell that shows the player when they're about to dash and when they're dashing? They could have a glowing aura of some kind or vibrate as they're running.

Perhaps some of the dashers could get variations of it?

One of them could do a flying leap that sends him soaring up and landing in the spot he's aiming for.

Another gets increased running speed, like what they have now.

And one more variation is that the guy could pause as he builds up power, and then he fires off like a bullet in a straight line.

It would add variety to these kinds of foes, especially with respect to how they behave when shot while dashing. The flying leap enemies could drop to the ground if shot in a jump. 

The sprinters get knocked back, as they already do. 

Maybe the bullet guys lose a step from their charge with each arrow.

I checked, and it seems that while enemies don't spawn outside the map as often, they still can sometimes.

By the way, what do the torches do? Are they meant to add light? Make it easier to see? I thought they were a collectable. It would be pretty cool if they were. You can pick one up and move it, and maybe it improves the towers in some way. 

It gives an advantage to exploration. Do these spawn coins periodically or something? 

One bug I noticed is that the tower upgrades are mislabeled. They say they offer one element, but they give the guys the other one.

Thank you for the update.

Since the enemies can do dash attacks now, and some can crash through defenses, do you have any plans for the player getting something like that?

Perhaps they have a regenerating stamina bar and can press shift to run faster? Or it's an elf teleport move that moves them a few spaces away.

Maybe an increase to movement speed could give you more stamina.

Another idea is the player being able to buy “marks” from leveling up. They place a mark down, and then it allows them to press a button to teleport to the location they previously marked.  Getting an equal number of marks before a cool down equal to the number they purchased.

There's also the thought of something like a temporary shield. The player glows red when holding shift, and they can smash smaller enemies out of the way and are temporarily invulnerable. 

The main thought process is giving the player a panic option for what they can do besides retreating at a relatively slow speed. Especially since flying enemies will eventually become a thing.

The enemies getting better maneuverability and terrain traversal options means the player could use some to keep up.

Also, for the enemies who crash through objects, have you thought about assigning them a number of things they can smash through during their “lifetime?” That way, you could hand out this ability to higher tier enemies who can bash more things and are tangibly stronger than others in ways besides HP and attack power.

Great update. 

I like the defenders having health and not always going down in one hit. The addition of the building aspect of this game is quite surprising.

You've created a means for someone to create a kill box and funnel the enemies in.

Is that what the walls are for? You have them cost 3 coins, and they block arrows. Someone can't sit behind them and shoot. If you could shoot over the walls, I'd use these. They're in a very early state, though. Perhaps new variants will exist in the future.

I applaud how you did something new.

They're cool to have, but 3 elemental defenders gives you more bang for your buck. The elves are meat shields, just the same as the walls are.

The defenders being able to use elemental effects makes them so much better.

My favorite thing is the increased detection range. These guys used to be useless because they took too long to aim and fire, and by the time an enemy walked up, they'd already be dead. 

They're still best used in large groups, but the fact that they can see a foe from farther away now means you get more use out of them.

What are the differences between the types of towers, by the way? Is it listed anywhere?

Also, is it a bug that enemies can spawn outside of the map? If you go to the corners, imps will spawn and try to force their way through the barrier there rather than appear in an open space.

Would you mind tweaking the coin and health level up behavior to not show up if you're at max health or have a certain number of coins?

Getting 3 options per level up means it reduces your chances of finding something you want.

I'd like the health more if it gave you extra maximum health when you're already at full, or it trickles over. Does it do that already? I only bought some when I was at 4 HP.

To get the most out of your elemental arrows now, you'll want to focus on turning all the arrows you have into elemental ones first, and then go for the upgrades. 

I actually like this system more. You have guaranteed effects vs a % chance.

For the elements, anyways. Is the maximum you can get for multishot +2 arrows now? I'm thinking, unless you add a piercing power up that makes arrows continue to go through enemies, you'd be better off skipping multi shot for an elemental arrow.

Because they apparently do not stock. You can't multishot acid arrows for example.

Two arrows simply kill potentially two enemies, but are more likely to have one or both of them miss. 

A pool of acid, ice, or a fire effect keeps providing benefits. If you filled up your quiver with acid arrows, you could count on frequent pools of acid to help clear out enemies. 

I suppose the multishot would balance out if they fused together at some point, and you could shoot more than +3 arrows.

But the coins and health options reduce your chances of finding more elements, especially since buying an element means you now can buy elemental power ups for that element.

Actually, how about letting us spend coins for a reroll? It gives them another use. Or you could create reroll tokens and put them on enemies. 

So this update is much harder, mainly because bad RNG could easily screw you.

My first 5 level ups had health and coins. I'd have gotten farther if I got the strong options from the start. 

Your damage is way slower, and the enemy's escalating means you spend a lot more time shooting them. They end up outpacing you unless you can put together a good build. 

So I suppose your list of priorities are to pick an arrow power up. Exclusively purchase that one. Skip level ups unless they raise your damage or let you buy the power up you want, and then you hunt until you're able to get setup.

The damage over time effect of ice makes it interesting. That's a nice change.

This system of each arrow having an element to it could lead to future special arrow types, though. That would add a whole new level of complexity. 

Like if you purchased a fire arrow and then bought acid on that slot. What if it created a stronger, corrosive fire?

Or buying acid and then fire means the acid pools will set people on fire and also melt them.

Well, a tower is a guy who keeps shooting or providing a benefit simply for existing. A trap would require maintenance. If you place a tower in the right spot, he can keep shooting people and won't get into trouble unless an enemy bumps into him while walking towards you.

If you're running, and you drop down a tower, he's going to get shredded before he even gets off a shot. The thing about the towers is that they don't have a very far detection range. The enemy has to be within a few spaces of them before they can see them, and by then it's usually too late.

A trap would cause damage to an enemy, but then require you to reset it. You could walk over it to fix it. Or dismantle it to reclaim your coin.

There could be interactions between traps and towers, with a tower who resets traps.

A bit of a shame about the fireball explosions. Thought that was 100% intentional.

The spread power up is good. It's interesting that firing speed and arrow speed are two different stats.

I like the update. Have you considered traps as a mechanic? Reusable, resettable traps you can plop down? Could be a nice alternative to the player spending their gold on a tower.

Pit traps, bombs, glue traps. Maybe walking over one would reset it? It's a more active mechanic than the set and forget of a tower, but the traps would be consistent if you can have the enemies step into one.

The other thing about the tower system is that you could assign a feature to them that disables enemy spawns near them.

The main difficulty in this game is of learning where you need to stand. If you stand in the same place, the enemies will spawn in a predictable manner. If you move around a lot, enemies can spawn directly on top of your towers, or right in front of them inside your lines.

They're programmed to appear outside of your line of sight, so you can get weirdness if you run out to collect points and then walk back to find they appeared and wrecked all of your guys.

Could it be a thing that they all appear from the edge of the map and then gradually move towards your position? Then the defense aspect would always be consistent.

You could mix in some flying enemies who can soar over obstacles to keep up a steady amount of pressure on the player.

And add a climbing feature to some enemies. I think it's really cool how they can get stuck on things, but you wouldn't have to worry about pathfinding as much if they could group up and then climb over each other's heads to get over something.

As far as the power ups go, I think they're balanced. I personally like the one that lowers your spread. Being able to effectively snipe enemies and make a wide stream of arrows hit where you want them to be a highly useful tool.

And it apparently upgrades your speed, too? I assume this is the speed that the arrow travels? It doesn't seem to increase firing speed like the shoot power up does.

The only one that feels like an oddball to me is ice, because the others all have an effect that kills. Fire creates massive explosions. Acid was so powerful you had to make it work a limited number of times. 

And then we've got ice. Perhaps it could apply a frost bite effect that makes enemies unable to attack until they warm up? That's something an ice specialist would love to have. It means they have more chances to protect the portal. The guys can't hurt it if they're still chilled and are blue.

Thanks again for the update. This is my most anticipated game, and I'm always happy to play it.

This is pretty good for just 48 hours. Will you expand this?

I played again as the archer and found the game pretty fun. The defense stat is probably one of the better ones in this game. It's much easier to protect yourself from damage, vs deal enough damage to kill everyone.

I'm thinking it's probably the key to surviving in the long term.

I felt the game could really use some form of ability to draw in pickups. Maybe none of the characters I played had one?

I like your ad system that lets people play characters they haven't unlocked yet. This is creative.

Yeah, this is a good game.

The presentation on this game is off the charts. You've got a little video playing on the menu? That's amazing. Kudos for that.

So I played as a paladin and my hammer has shotgun sounds? It's a pretty loud sound effect. Am I meant to be shooting people? Well, maybe this class is a WIP.

It's a bit unclear how you attack, too. I realized after playing that you just kinda wander around and this is an auto attacker game.

I like the animations. The enemies have clean attack frames.

We should really get a reward for picking up a potion when at full health. A damage boost, perhaps? Extra temporary health that's subtracted before our actual health, maybe.

A potion you accidentally collect is wasted otherwise.

It would be nice to have indications of which abilities are skills and which are upgrades.

While playing the Paladin, I got to level 18, but then the game crashed. This was the error message.

An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info. The error was:

RuntimeError: index out of bounds


















































You're welcome. You've got a concept nobody's ever done before. This is a brilliant take on the genre. It's very exciting.

As you know, Vampire Survivors has different ways of implementing stuff like attracting coins and exp that's on the ground. In that game, you just walk over the orb power up, and it sucks everything up. Or you buy the item that makes you attract stuff.

Since you seem to be using an alternate upgrade scheme, you could attach these abilities to towers. 

Like having a very fast thief who goes and collects stuff for you. They'll run over EXP and keep a portion to upgrade themselves, and the rest goes to you. Coins too.

Your tower system could let you achieve many of the common effects for this genre in ways that haven't been done before.  In ways that fit the identity of your game and the universe it takes place in.

Also, the mere fact that you actually have teammates in a genre where it's one against endless waves of enemies is astonishing.

Well, you could spawn more bosses who would heavily encourage the use of these towers. The AI could make them always prioritize a tower first over chasing you.

There could be optional treasure caches where you rob the evil wizard's coffers to get more tower guys. They spawn on the map, and it's a handful of strong guys defending them. They drop coins.

It gives the player the choice of hunting down the obelisks or building up their defenses. It seems the longer the game goes on, the bigger the waves become? So there's a reason to try to finish things quickly.

The towers could patrol an area or be set to follow the player, or chase down and engage enemies within their range.

IE, you drop a knight, and he'll step into the melee to scrap with some imps. Perhaps his special ability enables him to body block people, so up to 5 imps are stuck on him and can't progress.

Then you're looking at an army simulator where you can respawn your guys when they die.

That's a genius idea, by the way. I love the fact that the coins are refunded when your guys die. It makes the tower system not frustrating at all, and you're free to create strategies. To plan. To make mistakes.

And in the future, you could make a boss who swallows towers when he or she defeats them, so that the coin disappears until the boss is killed. It would keep the player from just repeatedly using them over and over again.

There's also the idea of adding in synergies.

Like if firing an arrow at a knight meant you could bounce it off his shield, and then it'll ricochet into a different direction. Firing an arrow at a wizard's fireball will create a flaming, exploding arrow.

The player gets some tangible bonuses for using the towers and is encouraged to create and use them.

And then you could have another option that lets you sacrifice coins for EXP. So if someone wants to, they could get more personal power and forego towers. It creates an alternate route and play style. 

Likewise, if you had a monster tamer character or mechanic. If you could drop coins and non-boss enemies walk over them, then maybe they become your towers.

The monsters could have their own advantages that put them above usual towers, but maybe the coins don't come back when the monster dies. Possibly it doesn't need a drawback at all? Potentially, it's better as a character class option, and that class has no access to normal towers.

You could also have upgrading towers as an option. The tower gains EXP just like you do, and they'll walk over and collect points. Then they grow stronger.

If you made a cleric or paladin main character, they could have more interactions with the towers via buffing and healing them. Some of their upgrades could focus on improving allies and making them harder to kill and thus ensuring they can survive long enough to upgrade.

Having played more, I can say I like your tower system. The guys are pretty useless unless there's a lot of them, which is probably the point. They're just meant to cover up your openings. 

They're a good addition because they make other kinds of builds viable. I think I like this a bit more than your other game. It's an incredibly fun game.

Having completed the game, the one thing I'd like is a bit of a grace period after activating the final tower.

A bunch of enemies spawned on top of me and started walking towards the portal. Before that, the enemies had managed to spawn and reach the portal before I got to it.

I think I completed the game after activating the towers 4 times.

There could be an arrow pointing to the portal or a 15-30 second grace period to help you reach it in time.

It would also be nice if the game told you what happened when you failed.

I got careless with clearing out enemies, and they touched the portal, and then the screen goes back to how it was before. Perhaps the game could tell you what you did wrong when you fail? So you know that it's giving you a chance to try again, and the portal getting touched isn't game over.

My favorite part is that the upgrades all feel like logical progressions. It matches your other game. We can assume that Elves simply gain power when they slay enough enemies and collect experience/gems. 

And this allows them to evolve in a way. Everything the elf heroine does in the game is an expansion of something she can already do. 

It gives you room to add new characters and make all of them actually play differently. Someone doesn't just choose a character that has a good bonus and then play the same build.

They pick a character class. You've managed to take the Survivors genre and do something different.

This game is super fun. I like it because I like Vampire Survivors, Pixel Survivors, and Brotato.

You got the difficulty right. I enjoy the variety of options. This game is different from the ones I previously mentioned because you focused on upgrading the character's base capabilities rather than adding on new gimmicks.

I'm very excited to see what happens next.

One issue I found is that the sound effects can overlap and become very loud. I shot like 4 imps at once and their death sound was very loud.

This game has good music too. It reminds me of Final Fantasy.

I love the mouse mode. It makes this game much more fun and easy to replay. You don't have to think as much or let user error kill your runs.

Have you considered giving manual mode a slight speed bonus to encourage people to use it? Making your minions move quicker while on it.

It rewards the difficulty of aiming the snake, and the mouse mode allows perfect precision.

This is a great game, and I'm looking forward to the updates. It provides a very fun experience.

Are there any plans to add benefits to having extra mana in your mana network?

If you wear a mage's hood or have the frog totem relic, they don't provide any benefits on turn 1.

Perhaps they could supercharge your stones and give them an extra charge if they try to restore an already full stone? Then hyper charging mana becomes part of a strategy, rather than you min maxing and only carrying as much restoration as you need.

Something that would help is if you could unlock more slots to select minions. Or select a minion as your favorite so you get it more often in the shop.

Like if you could spend cash to upgrade your shop and with it get access to better minions more often. Or to get two rows of minions, so you buy the upgrade and see 8 guys instead of 4.

If I want to do a themed build, I have to restart around the stage where you have treasure chests start to spawn because going further and saving my cash just means I'll get obliterated and lose.

The ideal strategy is when your favored minion both shows up, and you have enough cash to buy them.

The fact that the price increases by 1 to reroll, and it never goes down again means you should reroll a few times and then never again, as it's always worth it to simply buy another minion over trying to get a specific one. If you've survived long enough to have enough cash to keep rerolling, you might as well keep doing what you're doing.

Perhaps you could provide some sort of passive reward based on the amount of cash you've spent rerolling? Maybe a gacha system? A certain number of rerolls buys you a ticket to spend on rolling and earning a random minion. Or some other reward, such as the amount of cash you spent on rerolls X2.

These tickets could be another item that appears in the overworld on missions. Perhaps when you complete levels, too? The prospect of guaranteed minions and cash means people will have fewer burdens on their cash flow.

Have you considered adding resistances? Possibly certain minions could be resistant or immune to different kinds of attacks which will have a major effect on your strategy. So the bone minions could shrug off damage from archers while being weak against knights and neutral to wizards. 

A similar deal for the mushrooms, being resistant to physical damage from swords but neutral to arrows and weak to wizard magic.

Another idea I had was “equips” where you have items that remain with you and can be given to a minion. Like a flag that makes the person holding it run faster and is dropped when they go down. So people pick up the flag and get their speed boost. 

In reference to the other person's comment about upgrading minions or them providing bonuses for you having a lot of them. You could have a camp of some sort for each minion type that provides this bonus.

So a kennel or encampment for the dog types, and some sort of pit that the demons live in. A crypt for the undead.

These could be upgraded to provide progressively better bonuses and enhancements to units of their types as you invest more into them. You could also create a unity camp, where it provides a series of bonuses for a multitude of types. Rewarding you for having a varied crew. 

Synergies, I mean. Like if you have mushrooms on your team, your undead will grow mushrooms on their bodies and become resistant to blunt attacks, removing their weakness. 

Thanks for making this game. I enjoy it. I saw it on a youtube video that you posted in the comments of.

Will this include "stacking" enemy encounters? For example, you have a bunch of zombies standing there. If they all bumped into the player character, could you have a situation where the bad guys will all have combat happen on the same battle screen, with each fight taking place after another without leaving combat?

In MV and typical MZ, you'd fight a battle, leave a battle for maybe a second or two and then instantly be in an encounter again.

Does your plugin do anything about that?

Oh, you have no idea how happy that makes me. I'm not especially good at mapping so I just end up never buying tilesets if they don't include the sample maps. 

Having those example maps that I can copy and work from to know what's possible with the tileset makes it easy to do what I want from there. 

Thank you for this. I eagerly look forward to the sale now and all of your future releases.

When the sale happens, will the other tilesets also include their sample maps?

You get points for originality. Very few people are making their own generator parts for their own bases. Usually the people doing it do so for tall sprites.

Is there a chance of you releasing MV style generator clothing with SV parts? There's a handful of pieces I've wanted for years.